Individual Coaching

How many times have you heard or read posts like…

Live every day to the fullest!

Be the best that you can be.

Choose to be happy.

And how many times have you wondered, “Am I the only one who doesn’t know how to do this stuff?”

No… you’re NOT the only one.

I’ve been exploring and growing for a long time. On my journey, I always found it frustrating to receive empty slogans from people who were supposed to support and empower me. It made me feel confused and incompetent.

I knew I could live a life where I felt in control without controlling every second of it. I knew I had patterns and habits that were holding me back. I also knew that I could find happiness in my choices. With the right attitude, direction, and tools, I could make decisions that will bring more happiness, more confidence, and leave me more balanced. I was looking for a sense of harmony and direction.

My research through the somatic movement and leadership world taught me that the more stable I am, the more movement, flexibility, and flow I have. And then I learn. But the most amazing thing is that it goes the other way, too, and then again and again and again.

Imagine standing on a boat, trying not to fall. Waves are moving the boat, and you are looking for stability to stay standing, keep moving, and stir the boat to the right path.

If you freeze in the face of movement, change, challenge, bind your muscles, hold your breath and thoughts, you will not find stability and grounding and will have difficulty finding your path. You will have a hard time steering the boat.

Over the years, I created a coaching method that supports the complex theme of stability and grounding vs. movement change and flow.

With the holistic Balansa Method approach, it’s easy to understand that these two sides of the spectrum are not opposites but support each other. Through an active learning experience that combines movement exercise, conversation, and written assignments, I help my clients move from a feeling of loss of direction, lack of stability and centering to feeling confident to choose a direction, create a great path, make smart decisions, and be role models and leaders.

As your coach, I’ll give you much more than just platitudes.

I want you to get fast results but have a meaningful and deep process getting there. This is why I created the eight-week program based on the Balansa Method.

The Balansa Method will be at the heart of what we do together. The method combines a body-mind-spirit perspective from somatic movement practice, concrete exercise and techniques from the Agile approach (a management approach from the software development and project management world), and insights from different leadership perspectives.

For more detail, I welcome you to read all about My Approach.

You should join the individual program if you:
– Want to get quick results through a meaningful process
– You are looking to move up in a company and looking for great leadership and soft skills
– Looking to create great relationships with clients and colleagues
– You want to be a self leader and steer through life with confidence and amazing communication and management skills
– Looking to make a change in your life but not interested in a therapy approach

The individual eight-week program is not one size fits all, and it will be created specifically for your personality, personal resources, and needs.

So what happens when you enter the program?

We will meet eight times, once a week. In the sessions, we will practice somatic movement. Mostly breathing, grounding, and centering. You will begin to understand the science behind the approach and continue researching and growing those skills independently.

According to the subject, your feeling on that day, and your needs, the amount of movement and its intensity will vary from session to session.

We will discuss the different issues and go over different practical exercise and management tools during and after each movement practice.

The subjects that will be covered are:
– The relationship between stability, movement, and change
– How to create and find stability and grounding
– What is change
– Making great decisions
– Creating and managing processes
– Positive thinking
– Great communication skills
– Giving and receiving feedback

These subjects are intertwined and are not actually separated from one another. The order and how we will deal with them will be unique to you, your patterns, and your needs and supported by a nonjudgmental and empowering attitude.

You will become a leader and a role model, first to yourself and then to those around you. By the end of the process, you will feel confident, empowered, and have great skills and insights that will take you forward.

Through the process, you might discover that the more you learn and the more aware you are of your patterns, you will become inspired to continue your process and progress. Then you will be able to continue individual sessions to support and explore the specific aspects that you will choose to develop and expand.

Are you ready for change that goes beyond the surface?

… change that goes deep – that becomes a part of who you are?

No more mumbling mantras that don’t stick…

No more learning skills that you forget the second the course is over…

No more empty slogans…

It’s time for YOU to be the one who creates your life motto!

Call me today. Let’s talk about how individual coaching can help: (201) 639-1406.