
What comes to your mind when you hear the word leader?

Someone who leads? Push? Support? Manage?

Where did that leader get their power, and how? Who made that person a leader? Is that person well respected? Is that person feared? What kind of contribution does their leadership bring to their community?

Who is a leader? The president? The CEO of a big company? A school principal? A teacher?

The head cheerleader? A captain of the basketball team? Maybe that one child in first grade who all the kids want to be and copy everything they do? Famous actors and singers? Politicians? Army officers? Parents?

I never liked following others, which always put me in leadership positions everywhere I went. It led me to explore and research what kind of a leader I want to be and what kind of leaders I would like to follow.

I realized that I do not believe in leaders who draw their power from hierarchy and titles. Those titles often come with the power to punish (send a student home, fire an employee, take toys away, hold back promotion, and so on). Having this power stops many leaders from exploring how to lead to support the well-being of their followers or achieve their goals.

The world today is changing very fast.

People have access to knowledge which makes them independent in many fields. Rigid leadership powered by hierarchy cannot give the best solutions to quick changes, offer fast decision-making processes, and support followers’ well-being.

The Balansa Method encourages leaders to be supportive, lead by example, and be compassionate and empathetic.

Positive leaders get BETTER RESULTS!

They can make faster and better decisions because they are sensitive to their environment and have more information.

They create a positive environment that supports success.

The people they lead feel empowered and respected, and therefore more capable and more likely to succeed.

A positive, supportive leader leads people who are encouraged to work independently and collaborate with others. It takes a lot of pressure off the leader.

A supportive leader draws their power from their own behavior, skills, and contributions. Therefore, they will get better responses and better results.

Here are a few ways the Balansa Method is fundamental for leadership:

  • Accountability and responsibility for our actions and reactions
  • Be a role model
  • Don’t fear change – change means movement, and movement is a part of life
  • Be solution-oriented (thinking, phrasing, and acting)
  • Be supportive, respectful, and empathetic
  • Encourage positive leadership and independent processes around you

The Balansa Method approach for leadership is based on the Agile approach, movement analysis, Somatic work (body-mind-spirit mindful work), and holistic perspective. Please visit the My Approach page to learn more about the approaches below.

Agile and Leadership

The Agile approach for software development and project management goes hand in hand with the Balansa Method vision and perspective.

Agile values healthy and positive interactions, flow, flexibility, collaboration, and responding to change.

Scrum (a great Agile-based framework) supplies some of the tools and ideas that Balansa Method leaders use, such as events/ceremonies, planning systems, and more.

Laban Bartenieff Movement Analysis

This system is the guideline of the Balansa Method. It allows us to discover and analyze behavior, thinking, emotions, interactions, and more.

It teaches us how to get to the core of the different issues we deal with and respond to change with stability and calmness.

Somatic Practice and Mindfulness

When leaders practice mindfulness and somatic work (breathing, guided imagination, soft stretching, and more), they gain incredible resources that will now be available to support them and those they lead. The practice provides access to feeling stability, calmness, energy, having flow, and flexibility.

The leaders I work with learn how to use this simple practice to connect better to themselves and those they lead and better understand the basic leadership terms such as: leading, supporting, changing, pushing, and more. This profound understanding makes them exceptional and allows them to see how each person around them is different or the same. This work helps them recognize their patterns and patterns of those around them.

The somatic practice creates the Embodiment: The learning is assimilated through a physical experience.

Holistic Perspective

The whole is more than the sum of its parts.

I’m sure you’ve heard this phrase before. When you meet someone new, you do not see their eyes, mouth, nose, legs, and hair as separate parts. You see a person, and you immediately have some opinions and conclusions about that person based on what you learned over the years.

You are basing your analysis on your previous experience, and you know how to put all the parts together to something greater that has a meaning for you. The analysis of the same experience can be different for different people.

Change a part – change the whole and vice versa.

This is a basic principle in the Balansa Method.

Let’s say that you stepped on a tiny little thorn. It is stuck in your foot and hurts whenever you step. Now you start limping. That affects your back. The back pain is stopping you from sleeping well. Now you are cranky and cannot function at work, and so on.

The thorn was tiny and was in direct contact with a very small part of your foot, but it started a chain reaction that immediately affected the whole. The other way around is the same.

The Balansa Method always includes leadership principles in therapy and coaching…

… but I’m offering two specific leadership tracks:

Family Leadership

I choose to see parents as supportive leaders who lead their families with respect and empathy. Punishment and yelling appear to be effective sometimes and draw an immediate reaction, but the truth is that there is no positive learning experience happening there. There is only fear-motivated action.

I want to teach you the mindset and tools to become the parent you hope to be. I offer individual sessions, group courses, and learning at your own pace at the family’s hangout online school.

Corporate Managers, professional leaders, entrepreneurs, and people at key positions

In Leadership Coaching (group or individual), you will get access to a core understanding of supporting leadership and super powerful management tools that are Scrum- and movement-analysis based.

You will feel super confident, be sure of your unique way of leading, and have incredible communication skills that you’ll be able to use with team members, clients, colleagues, and higher-level managers.

Your leadership will draw its power from your strong connections with your followers, their respect for you, and the great result that your leadership will bring.

Learning these skills will get you there if you are looking for a promotion or a title. You will then know that you became an official leader by title because of who you are and not the other way around.

Not sure which track is the right one for you? Call me for a free 30-minute consultation, and I will help you choose the perfect option for you: (201) 639-1406.

I look forward to sharing your journey toward becoming a great and exceptional leader right now!